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Are Depleted Soils and Chronic Stress Conspiring To Sabotage Your Health?


Updated: Dec 4, 2024

Mineral depletion has become an all-too-common problem in the United States. Going as far back as Loren Cordain's ground-breaking 2005 paper (link to PubMed citation), a growing body of research shows that nutrient levels in foods have been decreasing over the past 100 years, with massive implications for our collective health.

Why Are We Mineral-Depleted? 

The research is clear: While most Americans have no trouble meeting their caloric needs, many fail to optimally meet their mineral needs. For many Americans, this results from eating a majority of their calories from packaged or otherwise on-the-go foods, oftentimes because there just doesn't seem to be enough time (sometimes energy) in the day for good old fashioned "scratch cooking"-- or enough money in the budget for sourcing organic.

Modern-day industrial agricultural practices are also to blame. Research shows that the mineral levels of fruits and vegetables in the U.S. plummeted between the early 20th and 21st centuries. These declines are caused by industrial agricultural practices, such as heavy use of synthetic fertilizer and a focus on growing monoculture crops, which deplete soil over time.

Last but certainly not least, stress depletes minerals, and stress is at an all-time high for many people.

The body’s physiological response to stress drains minerals through a complex interplay of hormones and neurotransmitters.

When the body encounters a stressor, it releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones mobilize minerals, especially magnesium, from the body's stores. If the stressor persists, the continuous release and excretion of minerals like magnesium can gradually deplete the body’s stores. 

Why Do We Need Minerals? 

Minerals are like the 'sparkplugs' of our bodies, igniting the countless chemical reactions that keep us alive and functioning. Without them, we simply can’t maintain optimal health and wellness.  

There are two main groups of minerals: macro minerals and trace minerals.

Macro minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, sodium and potassium, are required in quantities greater than 100 mg/day, each making up less than 1% of total body weight. (But PLEASE don't take more than 120 mg of Ca daily-- and if you do take it, make sure you're also getting sufficient Mg and K2-- otherwise the Ca ends up in your arteries, muscle tissue and joints.)

Trace minerals (think zinc, copper, selenium, iodine, manganese, boron) are needed between 1-100 mg/day, each making up less than 0.01% of body weight.

Despite their small contribution to our body weight, macro and trace minerals are essential for good health.

An Overview of Macro Minerals and Trace Minerals 

The main macro minerals, Mg balanced with Ca, Na balanced with K, that our bodies require include: 

  • Magnesium: Magnesium is crucial for muscle function, healthy blood sugar regulation, and supporting a balanced stress response. Magnesium is also important for liver health and helps CYP450 enzymes process toxins, making it key for detoxification. (Low or borderline low in almost everyone-- but also tricky to test accurately.)

magnesium's essential role in bodily functions

  • Calcium: Calcium is central to bone health, tooth enamel, and regulates muscle function and nerve signaling. Adequate calcium levels also protect the body from toxic heavy metals like lead.

  • Potassium: Potassium is vital for healthy heart function, muscle contraction, and nerve signaling. (And present at inadequate levels in just about EVERYONE we've done a NutrEval test on over the past 10 years! And forget what they tell you about "eat more bananas." A potato or avocado or two fistfuls of arugula or mustard greens have a ZILLION TIMES more potassium than a banana. And unless the bananas are green, they really shouldn't be eaten at all. Just ask the London Zoo (link to story)!)

foods high in potassium

  • Sodium: Sodium supports fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction.

Macrominerals are electrolytes inside the body, meaning they can be dissolved in body water. They help with processes such as the conduction of nerve impulses and muscle contraction and relaxation.

Sodium, potassium, and magnesium are also crucial minerals for hydration that help maintain an optimal body water balance.  

The main trace minerals include: 

  • Iron: Iron plays a pivotal role in oxygen transport in blood and muscles as a central component of the oxygen-binding proteins hemoglobin and myoglobin. It is also crucial for energy production. Adequate iron levels defend the body against heavy metals, helping to keep the body’s toxin burden in check.

  • Zinc: Zinc is vital for immune function, DNA synthesis, and skin health. (And very often low.)

foods high in zinc

  • Selenium: Selenium helps activate antioxidant enzymes and thyroid hormones. Selenium is essential for protecting the body from mercury, a highly toxic heavy metal.

foods high in selenium

  • Copper: Copper is involved in iron metabolism and helps maintain healthy connective tissue. Copper supports the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD1), helping the body detoxify damaging free radicals. 

  • Manganese: Manganese is essential for bone formation and helps our bodies metabolize amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Like copper, manganese also supports SOD2 activity, aiding detoxification. (Folks with a pretty common SOD2 SNP will need about twice the RDA of Mn that is generally recommended, but you kind of have to test to know.)

foods high in manganese

  • Chromium: Chromium supports healthy blood sugar regulation.

  • Iodine: Iodine is necessary for making thyroid hormones, manufacturing nerve cells' protective myelin sheath, and in regulating the body’s metabolism. (Iodine levels are almost NEVER tested-- and are not even included in Genova Diagnostic's otherwise fab NutrEval test. But ZRT Labs actually has 3 different (urine) panels that can test for it (link here).

NutrEval metals & minerals nutritional evaluation

  • Molybdenum: Molybdenum is involved in detoxification processes, including the breakdown of aldehydes, toxic chemicals that can cause various health problems. (Too much Mo can also cause problems, just as too much Fe or Mn or Cu or Zn can. We are currently working with an elderly gentleman with stratospheric levels of Mo in his body-- possibly causing hallucinations bordering on psychosis (link to acute Mo poisoning paper). The suspected source? A titanium alloy commonly used in the femoral & tibial components of knee replacement prosthetics. It is also commonly used in orthodontic archwires, so just be aware!)

It’s important to note that some macro and trace minerals can be synergistic, while others can be antagonistic requiring a delicate and thoughtful balance for optimal results.

For example, excessive consumption of zinc may lead to a copper deficiency. It is important that zinc and copper are taken in the correct ratios and are properly balanced for optimal results and healthy immune function.

Sodium and potassium are another combination that must be balanced for healthy blood pressure, while iodine and selenium work synergistically to support healthy thyroid function.  

In addition, some minerals are antagonistic, meaning they can compete for absorption. Iron and calcium are good examples of antagonistic nutrients; eating calcium-rich foods or taking calcium supplements may reduce iron absorption in the short term.

Try These Three Strategies to Replenish Your Minerals 

Low mineral intake is a pressing health issue in our modern world. While large-scale changes are needed in our agricultural system and food industry to support healthier eating and greater mineral intake, you shouldn’t wait for public policy to change to take charge of your minerals!  

If you are ready to be proactive, here are 4 steps you can take to impact your mineral status: 

  1. Buy organic and locally grown.

  2. Incorporate mineral-rich foods daily. And unless you're using Morton's or some other industrially prepared table salt, don't be afraid! Salt was used as currency long ago. In fact, the word "salary" actually comes from the root salt. Read more here

  3. Mind your alcohol intake (best plan is to buy wines so mind-spinningly expensive (bio-dynamic, organic or small European family vineyards) that you can only afford 2 or 3 ounces with lunch and/or dinner) and try to pro-actively short-circuit any & all incoming stressors.

  4. Add a multi-mineral supplement to your routine. 

  5. Consider boosting your mineral intake with the natural compounds like shilajit and laminaria (aka kelp).

1. Buy Organic and Locally Grown 

Research shows that organic foods tend to be higher in minerals than non-organic foods, so try to choose organic, pesticide- and herbicide-free veggies and fruits when you can! Choosing to buy organic and local is beneficial in that you’re not only supporting the community but you’re also aiding the planet.  

For example, small, local farms tend to use sustainable practices for growing fruits and vegetables. This results in fewer pesticides and chemicals compared to commercial farming, and less chemical residues on produce. In addition, these practices lead to more mineral rich soil resulting in higher quality, more nutritious produce. The same argument can be made for meat and the higher nutrient quality from local farms. Eat Wild (link here) is a great resource for finding local farms that sell nutritious, quality fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meats.  

Eating organic food is another way to support your mineral intake, as the soil used to grow organic foods are often thoughtfully managed and less mineral depleted than soil used to grow conventional foods. Organic produce can be on the pricey side. To combat this roadblock, consider shopping at your local farmer's market, join a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, or using the Environmental Working Group's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce (link to 2024 guide here) to prioritize which produce you want to buy organic.

2. Don’t Skip the Salt and Incorporate Mineral-Rich Foods

Contrary to popular belief, salt is not the enemy. Our bodies need sodium from salt (sodium chloride) to regulate electrolyte balance and help our nerves and muscles function properly. It is an essential nutrient. Under-eating salt may actually cause cardiovascular problems and issues with fluid balance. Rather than slashing your salt intake, it may be more important to consider where you’re getting salt from (aim for unrefined salt instead of salty processed foods) and to balance it with potassium-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.  

 Under-consuming sodium chloride (aka table salt) may actually cause cardiovascular problems and issues with fluid balance. Everything in balance...

Regardless of how much salt you eat, it is best to choose minimally-refined salt. Swap the highly processed table salt for the less processed Celtic sea salt. Basic table salt tends to be concentrated sodium chloride with little or none of the many other minerals that naturally occur. Unprocessed salts like Celtic and Himalayan tend to be more balanced.  

The increasingly popular Japanese seasoning Nori Komi Furikake (link-- I know, the dreaded Amazon, I'm sorry!-- to Sanae's preferred brand here) might also be worth looking into as an occasional alternative to simple table salt.

While you are swapping your salt, be sure to also swap out mineral-depleted ultra-processed foods for whole foods rich in macro and trace minerals, such as dark leafy greens, meat, seafood, nuts, seeds, and whole grains like quinoa, millet and buckwheat.  

3. Mind Your Alcohol Intake and Stress 

Excessive alcohol intake may deplete multiple minerals, including magnesium, sodium, potassium, selenium, zinc, and chromium. To support a healthy mineral status, keep your alcohol intake in check and, of course, seek help if you are concerned about it.  

Managing ongoing stress may help you preserve a healthy sodium, magnesium, and other minerals balance. Take steps to manage your stress daily through a healthy level of exercise, meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices.  

4. Add a Multi-Mineral Supplement to Your Routine

Adding a high-quality multi-mineral supplement to your routine is a proactive way to support a healthy mineral status.  

When shopping for a multi-mineral supplement, choosing a trusted brand that provides minerals in their most bioavailable forms is essential. For example, look for a multi-mineral supplement that includes zinc as zinc citrate or bisglycinate rather than zinc oxide; zinc citrate and bisglycinate are more bioavailable and may signify a higher-quality product.

Zinc citrate and zinc bisglycinate are more bioavailable and may signify a higher-quality product.

A high-quality multi-mineral should include a combination of macro minerals and trace minerals as well as combinations of synergistic minerals. For example, zinc should be paired with copper, and iodine should be paired with selenium because these nutrients work collaboratively to support your health.  

Remember, the body needs healthy levels of minerals to properly detoxify, manage stress inputs, offer thyroid and metabolic balance, and maintain multiple bodily functions. Minerals are constantly being utilized by the body every day and if your diet is not optimal, adding a multi-mineral complex to your foundational supplement routine may help. 

Seawater supplementation can also be a great supplement to support trace mineral status along with regular multi-mineral supplementation. Look for mineral-rich seawater extracted from the depths of the ocean. We haven't yet tried them, but some folks rave about Dr. Chris Shade's "Original Quinton Hypertonic Ampoules" (below) 

Deep seawater naturally contains a multitude of trace minerals, including foundational elements like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, that may support health and performance.  

5. Boost Your Mineral Intake with Shilajit and Laminaria

More people are looking to natural compounds to increase their mineral intake. Shilajit and laminaria are two options that can help support mineral levels and more. 

Shilajit is an organic resin secreted from mountains in the Himalayas. Traditional cultures have used it medicinally for thousands of years. The rich mineral content of shilajit may explain its beneficial effects on energy and vitality, cognitive function, and stress resilience. Research also suggests it may aid bone health by supporting a healthy inflammatory response.  

Interestingly, preclinical research indicates that the fulvic acid in shilajit may help transport minerals into cells, possibly improving mineral balance.


Laminaria (also known as kombu or kelp) is a brown seaweed native to cold ocean waters along the shores of Japan, Korea, and China. It is a source of iodine and other bioactive compounds, including polyphenols and fucoidan, a polysaccharide with several health benefits.

The trace elements and compounds in laminaria may support healthy bones, thyroid function, and influence metabolism by contributing to healthy blood sugar control. Laminaria also contains alginates, natural compounds that can bind to heavy metals and may facilitate their removal from the body.

Staying informed and taking pro-active remediatory measures can help to limit the ill health effects of mineral insufficiency from the sabotaging combo of depleted soils and chronic stress.

References & Deep-Dive Reading Suggestions 

  1. Alkhalidi FA (2023). A comparative study to assess the use of chromium in type 2 diabetes mellitus. PubMed, 16(8), 1178–1182. 

  2. Aragón-Vela J, González-Acevedo O, Plaza-Diaz J, Casuso RA, & Huertas JR (2022). Physiological benefits and performance of sea water ingestion for athletes in endurance events: A systematic review. Nutrients, 14(21), 4609.  

  3. Bravo M., Simón J, González-Recio I, Martinez-Cruz LA, Goikoetxea-Usandizaga N, Martínez-Chantar ML (2023). Magnesium and liver metabolism through the lifespan. Advances in Nutrition, 14(4), 739–751. 

  4. Remondi Souza CA, Rodrigues Vasconcelos A, Deo Dias D, Komoni G, Name JJ. (2023). The integral role of magnesium in muscle integrity and aging: A comprehensive review. Nutrients, 15(24), 5127–5127.  

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  7. Harris Sherling D, Hennekens CH, Ferris AH (2024). Newest updates to health providers on the hazards of ultra-processed foods and proposed solutions. The American Journal of Medicine.  

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  9. Hogas M, Statescu C, Padurariu M, Ciobica A, Bilha SC, Haisan A, Timofte D, Hogas S. (2022). Salt, not always a cardiovascular enemy? A mini-review and modern perspective. Medicina, 58(9), 1175. 

  10. Hoshi A., Watanabe H, Kobayashi M, Chiba M, Inaba Y, Kimura N, Ito T (2001). Concentrations of trace elements in sweat during sauna bathing. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 195(3), 163–169.  

  11. Hosseini Dastgerdi A, Ghanbari Rad M, Soltani N. (2022). The therapeutic effects of magnesium in insulin secretion and insulin resistance. Advanced Biomedical Research, 11, 54. 

  12. Jakub Piotr Adamus, Ruszczyńska, A., & Aleksandra Wyczałkowska-Tomasik. (2024). Molybdenum’s role as an essential element in enzymes catabolizing redox reactions: A review. Biomolecules, 14(7), 869–869.  

  13. Justyna Ośko, Wiktoria Pierlejewska, & Małgorzata Grembecka. (2023). Comparison of the potential relative bioaccessibility of zinc supplements—in vitro studies. Nutrients, 15(12), 2813–2813.  

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  21. National Institutes of Health. (2022). Office of Dietary Supplements - Iodine.  

  22. Oregon State University. (2014, April 22). Calcium. Linus Pauling Institute. 

  23. Oregon State University. (2014, April 22). Copper. Linus Pauling Institute. 

  24. Oregon State University. (2014, April 23). Potassium. Linus Pauling Institute. 

  25. Oregon State University. (2014, April 23). Sodium (Chloride). Linus Pauling Institute. 

  26. Oregon State University. (2014, April 23). Zinc. Linus Pauling Institute. 

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  32. Usharani, P., & Chandrasekhar, N. (2022). Shilajit extract reduces oxidative stress, inflammation, and bone loss to dose-dependently preserve bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteopenia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Phytomedicine, 154334. 

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