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Life journey (and links)

Worked as a clinical research assistant & medical writer at St. Vincent's Hospital in Greenwich Village, NY, attending & presenting at medical conferences all over the world, from 1990 until it closed.


In 2009, enrolled in full-time study of what at the time was called Oriental Medicine— two years in Los Angeles (link to followed by three years in NYC. The entire program requires 3 1/2 to 4 years of full-time study. (In China, according to my AMAZING teacher, Dr. ChunYi Qian (link to ChunYi & husband Dr. Zheng QiWei at their Beverly Hills acupuncture practice), one is discouraged from taking on even a part-time job or girlfriend-boyfriend, expected instead to focus 100% on one's studies. And so I did.) NY license (link) was awarded in June of 2014.


From 2018 to 2020, coursework with the IFM* to become a certified practitioner of functional medicine, a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease, with a focus on nutrition & gut health. (see IFM link, "What Is Functional Medicine?)


Functional medicine precepts & methods seemed to dove-tail nicely with Chinese medicine philosophy as well as to extend, refine & modernize bits of its diagnostic methods-- and to offer a more quantitative understanding of how (& why) both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be so effective clinically.



In addition to acupuncture home service, I offer phone, video and in-home consults, including East Asian herbal medicine consults. I am licensed to practice in NY, NJ and PA.


* The IFM curriculum consists of seven modules: Bioenergetics, GI, Detox, Hormone, Cardiometabolic, Immune, Clinical Applications, and takes two to three years (and a cool $18K) to complete. Check out their free videos (most are from 2017 but feature storied presenters: Alessio Fasano, Dale Bredesen, Nathan Price, Jeffrey Bland, Robert Hedaya) at this link.

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